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Refund and Return Policy: 


If you want to return the product, you must make a valid complaint within 2 days of receiving the delivery

Gloomarket always believes in quality and Gloomarket recognizes only those vendors who are best in quality so if you want to return the product on the material it does not approve.

Yes, if you want to return the product in the event that there is a size problem in any garment, you can definitely return it by going to the product return section and reporting this time if the vendor allows you to return the product. Then your product will definitely be returned

In such circumstances Gloomarket does not have any problem and if indeed there is a problem and the vendor rejects your application then you can contact us.

A transaction charge of 2.5% on your product return will not be reimbursed under any circumstances as Gloomarket does not take any commission and third party charges are not covered by Gloomarket.